Web Page Maintenance

$30.00 per month

Includes: Up to 5 updates per month
Text limited to 100 per month per update.
2 changes of images (stock)
Regular checks on page
Regular link checks
Over all check for smoothness.
Regular back-ups of site

All other maintenance prices is based on size of pages and what would be needed.

Ecommerce Maintenance:

This is based on size of package and what kind of upkeep of adding and deleting products.

The minimum for the small store that costs $500.00 with the average product
change of 10 per month would be
$40.00 per month.
All other Ecommerce maintenance packages are ranged between
$100.00 to $5000.00 per month, or higher, depending on size.

All prices are subject to change without notification.

Rhema Computer Services
975 Shady Street
St. Clair, MO. 63077

All rights reserved.
