Counter Script

YHTI provides several different counter programs to help you track how many people have been visiting your pages. Below you will find a short description of each counter, directions on how to use each counter, a list of the available styles of digits that you can use for your counters and finally some examples for each type of counter.


Usercount is a program that will increment a number stored in a file each time someone visits your page. The value of this number will also be displayed on your page in any one of several styles which you may choose. You will see this type of counter all over the web showing how many people have visited a particular site

Blindcount is a program that will increment a number stored in a file each time someone visits your page. Unlike usercount, the value of this number will not be displayed on your page. Use this counter if you want to track visits, but don't want to display the count to the world.

dispcount is a program that will display a number stored in a file, but it will not increment it. This is the opposite of the blindcount and the two are usually used together. As an example, lets say you have a blindcount on your page so the world doesn't see the value of your counter. You could then create a page possibly called "counts.html" and use the dispcount to display the value of the counter on your homepage. This way you can go to counts.html and see the value of your counter(s) without falsely inflating the numbers.

Redirectcount is a program that lets you track how many people click on a certain link on your page. Lets assume you have a link on your page, to the page of one of your friends. You can use the redirectcount to create the link, and count how many people actually go to your friends page, "from" your page.

To put a simple counter on your page, determine where you want the image displayed, and insert an html tag like this:

<img src="/cgi-bin/usercount/username:datafile?style">

Notice the words username, datafile, and style. These are variables and will be different on everyone's pages, they MUST be there for your counter to work. Look at the colon between the username and the datafile, and the question mark between the datafile and the style. These MUST be there for your counter to work also.

Now lets look at the username, datafile, and the style. The counter program needs these so it knows who you are and where your stuff is at.

username should be your YHTI username, the same one you use to update documents on your domain. This is case sensitive, it must be in lower case letters.

This is the "name" of the file you want the counter to use. This file will be located in your domains document root, and you do not need to create it. The first time the counter runs, if the file is not found it will create it for you and start your counter at "1".

style should be one of the predefined styles listed below. This determines what your counter will look like. These are case sensitive also and must be spelled exactly like they are listed below.

To put a blindcount on your page, insert an html tag in your document that looks like this:

<img src="/cgi-bin/blindcount/username:datafile">

The same rules apply to the username and datafile as described above for the usercount. Since the count is not displayed, you do not need to specify a style.

To put a dispcount on your page, insert an html tag in your document that looks like this:

<img src="/cgi-bin/dispcount/username:datafile?style">

The same rules apply to the username, datafile and style as described above for the usercount, except that the datafile will not be created. If the datafile does not exist, the counter will simply display "0"

To put a redirectcount on your page, insert an html tag in your document that looks like this:

<img src="/cgi-bin/redirectcount/username:datafile?URL">

The same rules apply to the username and datafile as described above for the usercount.

The URL part of the tag must be a complete URL that points to some valid web page, for example ""

Styles Here is the list of available styles that are available. You can click on the names below to see what the digits look like.

  • 57chevy - old Chevy style odometer
  • a - smaller odometer
  • blueodo - odometer with a blue tint
  • cb - looks like children's building blocks
  • emboss - look at the top of this page
  • grnyelo - white numbers, green and yellow background
  • invsuns - inverse sunset
  • odb - black odometer
  • odw - white odometer
  • pchalk - looks like purple chalk
  • rainbow - all different colors
  • redball - little red balls
  • reflect - numbers with a reflection
  • sdgs - small green digital looking
  • spooky - you know, spooky looking
  • steel - tin foil stitched on a white background
  • sunset - looks like a sunset
  • techgo - green over black
  • trumpet - big over white
  • turquois - kinda green and blue
  • yllwgld - yellow over gold with a shadow


Here are some sample HTML tags to show how this all fits together:

  • If your username is jdoe, and
  • your datafile is named 'count.txt', and
  • you like the emboss style numbers, and
  • you want to use a:

    Use this tag
    <img src="/cgi-bin/usercount/jdoe:count.txt?emboss">

    Use this tag
    <img src="/cgi-bin/blindcount/jdoe:count.txt">

    Use this tag
    <img src="/cgi-bin/dispcount/jdoe:count.txt?emboss">

    redirectcount sending users to ""
    Use this tag:
    <img src="/cgi-bin/redirectcount/jdoe:count.txt?">

Good Luck, and we hope you have fun with your counters!!